Theology of Measurement is Necessary for your Organization

Picture of Steve Logan

Steve Logan

Founder of Mappings, LLC

Theology of Measurement is needed

Every Christian leader needs a healthy Theology of Measurement, and answering these 3 questions is a great place to begin:

• What is God asking us to measure?

• What is God not asking us to measure?

• Is there anything God is asking us NOT to measure?

The Apostle Paul tells us that God’s ways are beyond full understanding, and yet God enables us to know, test, and follow His desires.

On the one hand, God and his ways are beyond us: “his paths beyond tracing out.” (Rom. 11:33) He himself certainly cannot be measured, much less managed. “We see only a reflection as in a mirror” and “know in part” (1 Cor. 13:12).

On the other hand, God makes himself and his ways known in his Son, by this Word and Spirit, and through his people. He makes known what he most wants to do: to transform lives by the renewing of minds (Rom. 12:2). As we offer ourselves to him for this, we are “able to test and approve what God’s will is” (Rom. 12:1-2).

Qualitative Measurement is not an Oxymoron

Some Christian leaders believe qualitative measurement can’t really happen. Yet, (qualitative) growth in the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23) is desperately needed for all of us who claim to follow Jesus. Such growth enables us to honor God, worship God, trust God, know God, love God, love others, to be formed into the image of Jesus; and to go and make disciples – all of which contribute to the foundation of a Christ-focused Church. All of which are difficult, but not impossible, to measure.

Fruit Inspectors

Because of the difficulty in measuring qualitative growth, plenty of well-meaning Christian leaders have concluded: “it’s not my job, your job, or anyone else’s job, to become a fruit inspector”. Conveniently, many leaders have come to believe that the determination of such character development, via the Fruit of the Spirit, is reserved for God, and God alone.

Dangerous Worldview

I think this worldview is dangerous for at least 2 reasons. First, it softens our focus on the things that matter most. And secondly, it allows less important issues like the Church ABCs (Attendance, Buildings, and Cash) to become primary success indicators.

It’s not easy

Admittedly, measuring heart change is much more difficult than simply counting “nickels and noses” at each of our events. But we can, and we must pay close attention to personal transformation within our Christian communities.

To learn more about developing a healthy Theology of Measurement, please contact Mappings, LLC.

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