Sheep and Elephants

Picture of Steve Logan

Steve Logan

Founder of Mappings, LLC

As a shepherd of a flock of Christians, you are called to move them, together, toward greater Christ-likeness. But obstacles, sometimes ‘elephant-sized’ obstacles, appear on the horizon: never-ending conflict, ineffective leadership boards, mission-drift, staff/volunteer turnover, and, as you know, much, much more.

So, you wonder to yourself, “How am I going to navigate all this?”

Mappings can help.

We will help you faithfully navigate through, with, or around, the ‘elephants’ that stand in your way.

Contact Mappings today!

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Why we help

Referring to his followers in Matthew 25: 35-40, Jesus said: “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave

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Creation, Fall, Redemption, Leadership. Genesis 1-3 describes the “tension of opposing consequences” that all leaders encounter: • We have been created in God’s image • Yet

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